Date 'em Ups

The halfway house opens.


If you're reading this, chances are that you're an existing follower of mine and that, like me, you're part of the Cohost diaspora that's in the midst of making the Internet a bit more of a low-fi, personalized place again in their own ways. Given the timing of Cohost's shutdown and my recent travels to the Tokyo Game Show overlapping with that site's final weeks, I haven't had a whole lot of time to set up my next hub and figure out what exactly my long-term Internet presence is going to become, so everything very much so remains a work-in-progress.

For now, until things settle down a bit more on my end, that hub is going to be in the form you see here: a tidy little Bear blog. Bear blogs, for those unfamiliar, are designed to be low fuss, low maintenance, and self-contained, which also means that they have no built in commenting system by design. The only interaction that these things come with out of the box is a Medium-style "toast" you can click on at the bottom of a post to signal your enjoyment. As someone who genuinely cherishes the interactions I've had over the past decade and change, I do want to maintain that back and forth I've had with my community and am considering other venues to add or join that won't require, say, heavy duty moderation or manual feed pruning of bad actors on my part. I'd rather spend the bulk of my daily energy translating games and covering my passions, you know? Whatever decision I come to, I'll be sure to announce it here! In the meantime, expect more of my usual posting shenanigans. Contrary to the URL and blog title, while you can expect copious amounts of galge and dating sim coverage as usual, they'll be no means be this blog's sole remit. As with my Cohost, I'll simply let this thing grow and evolve organically over time and hope you'll come along for at least some of the ride as always.

Like every good Bear blog, this one comes with a handy RSS feed, linked up top. I highly encourage you to add it to your app of choice so you know when I have something new to share! Until I figure out what I want to do in terms of commenting/general community interactions, etc, by the time I formally announce this blog, Cohost mutuals should also be able to see my contact info in some capacity. Existing Twitter mutuals can also continue to reach me there for work requests and the like; I'm not going to bother linking to it here since that account will otherwise remain in permanent hibernation and is not accepting new follwer requests.

For everyone else, in the short term, expect me to primarily work on repopulating this blog with some of my longer form Cohost writings before I start consistently posting new stuff here in earnest. And yes, I promise you all that I haven't forgotten about the old dating sim LPs! The contents of those threads are alive and properly backed up offline and hope to eventually give them a proper home away from Twitter at last, pending some necessary editing to structure and the like.

Either way, as always, whether you're a longtime follower from my pachinko game days or only just newly discovered my antics, thank you for joining me in this next endeavor! Together, we'll keep the flames alive for dating sims and the rest of Japanese game history I hold near and dear to my heart! 😌
